Apex Palm specialized in the supply of chemical, mechanical instruments, valves and etc, to Petrochemical Industry, Oil and Gas Refineries, Oil Fields and Power Plants. However, the applications of our products, and the product ranges of the manufacturers we represent, extend too many other industries


Apex Palm Trading Co LLC was established in 2004 as Engineering and trading organization in U.A.E. It’s a potential buyer and seller of all kind of Water treatment chemicals, Petrochemical spare parts, rotary equipment parts, Valves, Pumps, Seals, and many more to the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical and power plants industries.
The company’s passion for exceeding industry benchmarks is evident in its ability to redefine value engineering, project after project – reinforcing the best of conceptual innovation and cutting-edge trading facilities

Our Team

We are a unique team of the brightest designers, developers, and marketing consultants.

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